Track: Tech Transfer
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Plenary Lecture: Corrosion risk for process
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Expoquimica Exhibition area: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?
LOW-e. Efficient and low impact technology for seawater and brine desalination
Direct manufacturing of RTD sensors on stainless steel pipes using combined Magnetron Sputtering and sun-gel techniques
Nanoliposomas dirigidos a péptidos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry.
Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer
Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer
Round-table discussion: opportunities and best practices for technology transfer to the chemical industry
Tech Tansfer & Innovation Pitch
#Technology Transfer
Plenary Lecture: Bridiging Academia with Industry: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
TECNIO Success Cases: sinergias que resuelven retos tecnológicos en el sector químico
#Technology Transfer
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering
Oral Communications: Mecce
#Chemical engineering