
Track: Tech Transfer

Thu 01
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 12:30 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 12:30 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 12:30 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Plenary Lecture: Corrosion risk for process

Alec Groysman
Alec Groysman Israeli Association of Chemical Engineers and Chemists. Doctor Speaker

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 15:30 01-06-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture: Corrosion risk for process

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
15:30h - 16:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Fri 02
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Expoquimica Exhibition area: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

02-06-2023 09:30 02-06-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Expoquimica Exhibition area: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

Hall 3- Expoquimia Exhibition area
09:30h - 16:30h Hall 3- Expoquimia Exhibition area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?

Nora Ventosa Rull
Nora Ventosa Rull TECNIO President Speaker

02-06-2023 10:30 02-06-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?

The technology and knowledge transfer that comes from universities, research centres and technological centres to the business industry is key to increase people’s innovation and wellbeing levels. This talk will emphasise the importance of collaboration between companies and research entities so the technology transfer process is fluid, and it will analyse some models and instruments that have proven to be very effective at making it easier

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
10:30h - 10:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

LOW-e. Efficient and low impact technology for seawater and brine desalination

Beatriz Corzo Garcia
Beatriz Corzo Garcia Sorigué R&D Project Leader Speaker

02-06-2023 10:50 02-06-2023 11:10 Europe/Madrid LOW-e. Efficient and low impact technology for seawater and brine desalination

The talk will give visibility to several industries about the possibilities of desalinating seawater and brine using this efficient, low impact technology, with the aim of improving the availability of drinking water and minimising waste generation. Thanks to this technology, salt can be recovered in solid form and water can be obtained that is fit for human consumption. All of this will contribute to the company's increased competitiveness, improving its positioning in the market, generating wealth and creating employment while at the same time improving its environmental sustainability. 

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
10:50h - 11:10h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Direct manufacturing of RTD sensors on stainless steel pipes using combined Magnetron Sputtering and sun-gel techniques

Aitor Bikarregi Iglesias
Aitor Bikarregi Iglesias Grupo Tubacex R&D Engineer Speaker

02-06-2023 11:10 02-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Direct manufacturing of RTD sensors on stainless steel pipes using combined Magnetron Sputtering and sun-gel techniques

The smartening of components is evidently a challenge in most industrial processes with the aim of reducing the economic and environmental impacts of these activities. Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) have been produced in this work on the outer surface of an advanced insulation in stainless steel pipes with a ceramic coating.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:10h - 11:30h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Nanoliposomas dirigidos a péptidos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry.

Alba Córdoba
Alba Córdoba Nanomol Technologies Tech Transfer& Business Development Director Speaker

02-06-2023 11:30 02-06-2023 11:50 Europe/Madrid Nanoliposomas dirigidos a péptidos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry. HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:30h - 11:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

Sergi Gassó Pons
Sergi Gassó Pons Fuelium CEO Speaker

02-06-2023 11:50 02-06-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

"Fuelium, a base technology company of the CSIC (Scientific Research Council) Offers paper batteries capable of powering a range of single-use devices, such as portable diagnostic units."

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Industry Showcase

Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

Sergi Gassó Pons
Sergi Gassó Pons Fuelium CEO Speaker

02-06-2023 11:50 02-06-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

Fuelium, a base technology company of the CSIC (Scientific Research Council) Offers paper batteries capable of powering a range of single-use devices, such as portable diagnostic units.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Mesa Redonda | Industry Showcase

Round-table discussion: opportunities and best practices for technology transfer to the chemical industry

Jesús Torrecilla Soria
Jesús Torrecilla Soria Tecnalia Ventures Director Energy Transition, Climate and Urban Ventures Moderador/Presentador
Miquel Rey
Miquel Rey Eurecat General Business Manager Speaker
Sergi Gassó Pons
Sergi Gassó Pons Fuelium CEO Speaker
Pere Regull Climent
Pere Regull Climent Leitat - Centre Tecnológic Coorporate Director Speaker
Irene Garcia Cano
Irene Garcia Cano Universitat de Barcelona Vice-dean of Research and Technology Transfer Speaker

02-06-2023 12:05 02-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Round-table discussion: opportunities and best practices for technology transfer to the chemical industry HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
12:05h - 13:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30
Pitch | Tech Transfer and Innovation Area

Tech Tansfer & Innovation Pitch

Sandra Colom
Sandra Colom ACCIÓ Head of R i D i I Resoursce Moderador/Presentador
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos
Miriam Díaz de los Bernardos Eurecat Head of the Catalysis Line at the Chemistry Unit at Eurecat Tarragona and Director of the Hydrogen Network of Catalonia H2CAT Speaker
Carles Ros
Carles Ros Licrox Postdoctoral Researcher Speaker
Isabel Vicente Valverde
Isabel Vicente Valverde Bizeolcat Advanced Researcher Speaker
Eduardo Fages
Eduardo Fages r.LightBioCom Head of Research Group on Materials and Sustainability Speaker
Andrés Luengo Baraguán
Andrés Luengo Baraguán Osiris Speaker
Manuel Rendon
Manuel Rendon Timeplast CEO Speaker
Santi Salas Vergés
Santi Salas Vergés Nanomol CEO and Co-founder Speaker
Jordi Arbusà
Jordi Arbusà Gloo Chief Technology Officer Speaker

#Technology Transfer

30-05-2023 10:30 30-05-2023 11:45 Europe/Madrid Tech Tansfer & Innovation Pitch HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
10:30h - 11:45h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Plenary Lecture: Bridiging Academia with Industry: Mecce

Elazer Edelman
Elazer Edelman Massachusetts Institute of Technology Speaker

#Chemical engineering

30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture: Bridiging Academia with Industry: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
16:00h - 17:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Side Events

TECNIO Success Cases: sinergias que resuelven retos tecnológicos en el sector químico

Maria Dolors Núñez
Maria Dolors Núñez ACCIÓ Team Leader - Analysis and Detection of Technological Opportunities Presentador
Alberto Bucci
Alberto Bucci JOLT CTO Speaker
Julio Lloret
Julio Lloret ICIQ ICREA Research Professor and Leader of the Research Group at the ICIQ Speaker

#Technology Transfer

30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 16:45 Europe/Madrid TECNIO Success Cases: sinergias que resuelven retos tecnológicos en el sector químico

The TECNIO centers are key agents in the Catalan technology transfer ecosystem.
Their main activities go beyond research. They include collaboration with companies as well as the creation of spin-offs.
During this session you will have the chance to attend a roundtable discussion and discover one of these cases of cooperation. A Tecnio center, a spin-off and a firm will talk about their successful collaboration experience.

HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
16:00h - 16:45h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Wed 31
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 09:30 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 09:30 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 09:30 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
09:30h - 10:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
12:30h - 13:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Poster Session: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 13:30 31-05-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Poster Session: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.14
13:30h - 15:30h CC3- ROOM 3.14
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.13
17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.13
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.12
17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.12
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Oral Communications: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Oral Communications: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
17:00h - 18:00h CC3- ROOM 3.11

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