
Track: Surface treatment

Thu 01
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Poster Session: Mecce

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 13:30 01-06-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Poster Session: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting. Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.14
13:30h - 15:30h CC3- ROOM 3.14
Wed 31
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics

Materiales avanzados para la Industria de la Movilidad

Ignasi Gómez Belinchón
Ignasi Gómez Belinchón Rail Grup Cluster Mánager Presentador
Toni Clariana
Toni Clariana Magma Design CEO Speaker
Salvador Borrós
Salvador Borrós IQS (GEMAT) General Manager Speaker
Teresa Burguillo
Teresa Burguillo DIAB Sales Manager Speaker
Egoitz Luís Monasterio
Egoitz Luís Monasterio CIDETEC Surface Engineering Speaker
Federico Esteve
Federico Esteve 3M Regional Account Manager Rail Speaker
Henri García
Henri García 3M Specialist Application Engineer Speaker

#Innovation, #Mobility, #New materials

31-05-2023 10:10 31-05-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Materiales avanzados para la Industria de la Movilidad CC4-ROOM 4.2
10:10h - 12:00h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics

Acciones para la reducción de las emisiones y nuevo sistema para la evaluación de la corrosión

José Manuel Barriós
José Manuel Barriós STA Chairman Presentador
Richard Caetano
Richard Caetano Stellantis Fr. Paint Process Expert for booths/ Ovens/VOCs/Energy Speaker
Maria Belén Parada
Maria Belén Parada Stellantis Leader Industrial Ibérico de Pintura Speaker
Bruno Welsch
Bruno Welsch Dürr CEO Division Paint and FInal Assembly Systems Speaker
Ana Bermejo
Ana Bermejo Basf Industrial Engineering Speaker

#Automotive, #New materials, #Treatment surfaces

31-05-2023 12:15 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Acciones para la reducción de las emisiones y nuevo sistema para la evaluación de la corrosión CC4-ROOM 4.2
12:15h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics

Matèries primeres i reciclatge dels productes a l’entorn d’automoció

Josep Nadal
Josep Nadal CIAC Cluster Manager Presentador
Jordi Miranda
Jordi Miranda Tag Automotive Smart Factory Manager Speaker
Sergio López
Sergio López Tag Automotive Engineering manager Speaker
Juan Manuel Díaz
Juan Manuel Díaz SEAT Environment & Sustainable Energy Management Speaker
Xavier Albort
Xavier Albort Printer Industrial and Environmental External Advisor Speaker
Victor Paluzie
Victor Paluzie RMS CEO Speaker
Jaume Pujante
Jaume Pujante Eurecat Researcher at the Ceramics and Materials Unit Speaker

#Automotive, #Mobility, #New materials

31-05-2023 14:30 31-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Matèries primeres i reciclatge dels productes a l’entorn d’automoció CC4-ROOM 4.2
14:30h - 16:30h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics

Nuevos desarrollos de Materiales para E-Mobility

José Vilar
José Vilar XI Jornades Eurocar Coordinator Presentador
Julio Alvárez
Julio Alvárez PPG Industries Cuntry Technical Director OEM and APA Speaker
Sergio Ferrari
Sergio Ferrari Henkel Project Engineer E-Mobility South Europe Speaker
Daniel Claret
Daniel Claret Composites ARW CEO Speaker

#Innovation, #Mobility, #New materials

31-05-2023 16:45 31-05-2023 18:45 Europe/Madrid Nuevos desarrollos de Materiales para E-Mobility CC4-ROOM 4.2
16:45h - 18:45h CC4-ROOM 4.2

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