
Track: Other

Thu 01
Roundtable | Side Events

The dual degree in chemistry. A talent opportunity for companies

Josep M Fernández
Josep M Fernández COQC Dean Moderador/Presentador
Iolanda Tortajada
Iolanda Tortajada URV Vice Rector Speaker
Xavier López
Xavier López URV Vice Dean of the School of Chemistry Speaker
Joaquín Giménez
Joaquín Giménez URV Student Speaker
Belén Brota
Belén Brota Ercros Speaker
Joan Miquel Capdevila
Joan Miquel Capdevila Ercros Speaker
Enric I. Canela
Enric I. Canela UB Professor Speaker

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 09:30 01-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid The dual degree in chemistry. A talent opportunity for companies

A round-table discussion will be held to explore how the first year of the Dual Degree in Chemistry by members of the URV has gone, the business experiences held at Ercros and then onto an exhibition of industrial doctorate students. It will close with a debate among those in attendance.

CC4-ROOM 4.3
09:30h - 13:00h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Talk | Side Events

One-day Seminar on Quality in the Cosmetics Industry

Ma Aurora Benaiges
Ma Aurora Benaiges Sociedad Española de Químicos Cosméticos Presentador
Ana Rocamora
Ana Rocamora CosmeticsInMind Director Speaker
Anna Coll
Anna Coll Martiderm Speaker
Maria Martí Martí
Maria Martí Martí Laboratorios Maverick Quality Manager Speaker
Diego Sáez de Eguílaz
Diego Sáez de Eguílaz MESbook Speaker
Andrés López
Andrés López Berioska Speaker
Pilar Orús
Pilar Orús Revlon Speaker
Carmen María Fernández
Carmen María Fernández Laboratorios Viñas Speaker

#Cosmétics, #Innovation, #Pharma

01-06-2023 09:45 01-06-2023 14:45 Europe/Madrid One-day Seminar on Quality in the Cosmetics Industry


CC4-ROOM 4.2
09:45h - 14:45h CC4-ROOM 4.2
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Capture, purification and reuse of CO2 in a biomass plant

Ignacio Torres
Ignacio Torres Carburos Metálicos Speaker


01-06-2023 11:00 01-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Capture, purification and reuse of CO2 in a biomass plant

Garray's CO2 capture, purification and reuse plant is an example of sustainable innovation, as together with Bioeléctrica de Garray (ENSO) a new circular economy model has been created by exploiting the energy, steam and the CO2 that plant biomass combustion generates.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
11:00h - 11:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Committed to the future: the new generation of phenol and sustainable solvents.

Estefanía Álvarez
Estefanía Álvarez Cepsa Speaker


01-06-2023 11:30 01-06-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Committed to the future: the new generation of phenol and sustainable solvents.

Cepsa Quimica is the leader in the development of more sustainable and innovative solutions and processes. And as proof of this, it is launching on the market its new range of “Next” products, which include renewable and recycled raw materials with a smaller carbon footprint in their composition. This range includes the new generation of phenol and solvents: NextPhenol and NextSol, products present in multiple forms in our daily life.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
11:30h - 12:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

New energies for a sustainable society

José Nogueira
José Nogueira Bondalti Hydrogen Business Coordinator Speaker


01-06-2023 15:30 01-06-2023 16:00 Europe/Madrid New energies for a sustainable society

In this talk, Bondalti will present the development of the technology it is developing for new sources of renewable energy such as hydrogen.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
15:30h - 16:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Roundtable | Side Events

Meeting of the Group of Chemical Associations (GAP)

Josep M Fernández
Josep M Fernández Associació de Químics de Catalunya Chairman Moderador/Presentador

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 15:30 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Meeting of the Group of Chemical Associations (GAP)

Work meeting of the Group of Chemical Associations (GAQ), during which this group will be presented. It is planned to hold a talk and a possible tour of the Expoquimia companies related to each association.

CC4-ROOM 4.4
15:30h - 18:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

New developments and public funding for RDI projects.

Maria José Tomás Sánchez
Maria José Tomás Sánchez CDTI Technician from the Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation Speaker

01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid New developments and public funding for RDI projects.

CDTI Innovation (Centre for Technological Development) will explain the latest news regarding RDI funding from this agency, which is part of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
17:00h - 17:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Presentation of the sectoral report on plastics in Spain

Bern Roegele
Bern Roegele Equiplast President Speaker
Marc Monnin
Marc Monnin Centro Español de Plasticos General Manager Speaker
Adrià Llacuna
Adrià Llacuna Market Aad Project Director Speaker
Luis Palomino Leal
Luis Palomino Leal ASEGRE General Secretary Speaker


01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the sectoral report on plastics in Spain

The plastics sector has undergone industrial, economic and social transformations that have made it occupy a central place on the regulatory and public scene in recent times. Equiplast, as a reference meeting point for the sector in Spain, has wanted to make an exhaustive assessment of its importance as a transversal productive sector, with the capacity to apply it in multiple industrial sectors and which acts as a lever and engine for their competitiveness.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
17:00h - 18:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 02
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Chemical Industry Internationalisation Plan in collaboration with FEIQUE and ICEX

Ignacio Pradas
Ignacio Pradas ICEX Presentador
Maria Eugenia Anta
Maria Eugenia Anta FEIQUE Director of Chemical Products Management and International Trade Speaker
Francisco Núñez
Francisco Núñez ICEX Head of Industrial Technology Dept. ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, E.P.E. Speaker


02-06-2023 10:30 02-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Chemical Industry Internationalisation Plan in collaboration with FEIQUE and ICEX

The 2023 Chemical Industry Internationalisation Plan is deployed along various lines of work that continue the strategy developed in previous years.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
10:30h - 11:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Horizonte de la Política Industrial

Joan Miquel Capdevila
Joan Miquel Capdevila Ercros Speaker
Carles Navarro
Carles Navarro Expoquimia y Feique CEO of BASF Spain, vice-president of FEIQUE and president of Expoquimia Speaker

02-06-2023 12:00 02-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Horizonte de la Política Industrial HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
12:00h - 13:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30
Talk | Side Events

Green Beauty Congress

#Cosmétics, #Innovation

30-05-2023 09:30 30-05-2023 15:10 Europe/Madrid Green Beauty Congress

The Natural Cosmetics Forum: a 1-day event to share and exchange information and debate the strategy and marketing of a natural product, regulation, formulation and market.

More infoódigo de descuento GBC_EXPOQUIMIA.

CC4-ROOM 4.1
09:30h - 15:10h CC4-ROOM 4.1
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Guide for the integration of the SDGs in companies in the chemical industry in the VALENCIAN COMMUNITY

Jesús Carretero
Jesús Carretero QUIMACOVA Director of QUIMACOVA Speaker

30-05-2023 11:00 30-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Guide for the integration of the SDGs in companies in the chemical industry in the VALENCIAN COMMUNITY

Tips and examples for implementing SDGs in the strategy of chemicals firms.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
11:00h - 11:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events

Presentation of the study of the chemical sector in Catalonia

Joan Roget
Joan Roget FedeQuim President Speaker
Giulia Diamante
Giulia Diamante ACCIÓ Team Leader in Sector Opportunity Detection and Analysis Speaker


30-05-2023 12:00 30-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the study of the chemical sector in Catalonia

Powerful, developed and internationalized, the Catalan chemical sector is one of the most powerful in the country and with a greater weight in exports. At the same time, it is attractive for foreign investment. During the session, this information will be shared and complemented with global data, trends and business opportunities in the sector.

HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
12:00h - 13:00h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Green Deal: Towards a healthy and sustainable animal production.

Montse Paniagua Jiménez
Montse Paniagua Jiménez Quimidroga, S.A. Director of the Human and Animal Food and Feed R&D Technical Department Speaker

30-05-2023 12:00 30-05-2023 12:30 Europe/Madrid Green Deal: Towards a healthy and sustainable animal production.

Quimidroga explains how biotechnology and chemistry are key for the development of solutions and products for a more efficient and sustainable livestock production.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
12:00h - 12:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Plan de Cadena de Valor CRECE Industria química básica y aplicada en Andalucía

Cristóbal Sánchez Morales
Cristóbal Sánchez Morales Junta de Andalucía Speaker

30-05-2023 12:30 30-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Plan de Cadena de Valor CRECE Industria química básica y aplicada en Andalucía HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
12:30h - 13:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Retos y prioridades de la Presidencia española del Consejo de la UE

Cristina González
Cristina González Feique Director of Advocacy, Strategy and Innovation Speaker
Cristina Rivero
Cristina Rivero CEOE Director for Industry, Energy, Environment and Climate Speaker

30-05-2023 13:00 30-05-2023 14:00 Europe/Madrid Retos y prioridades de la Presidencia española del Consejo de la UE HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
13:00h - 14:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

New challenges of the Royal Decree on Cans and Waste Cans

Maria Eugenia Anta
Maria Eugenia Anta FEIQUE Director of Chemical Products Management and International Trade Speaker
Isabel Goyena
Isabel Goyena ENVALORA General Manager of CICLOPLAST. Director of the ENVALORA PROJECT Speaker


30-05-2023 15:00 30-05-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid New challenges of the Royal Decree on Cans and Waste Cans

FEIQUE and the association ENVALORA ( will present the challenges of the new Royal Decree 1055/2022, of 27 December, on cans and waste cans, and their possible solutions.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
15:00h - 15:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events

Safety in the handling of fluids

Xavier de Gea
Xavier de Gea Atexpreven General Manager Presentador
Pere Trallero
Pere Trallero Asecos General Manager Speaker
Marc Delgado
Marc Delgado Sensotran General Manager Speaker
Jordi Villanueva
Jordi Villanueva Swagelot Ibérica General Manager Speaker

#Chemical engineering

30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Safety in the handling of fluids

The storage of chemical products, improved safety and flexibility in the use of mobile containers (APQ-10). Concepts regarding the detection of gases and vapours, improved safety of the process. Airtightness as a safety concept in fluid conduction systems.

CC4-ROOM 4.3
16:00h - 18:00h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Roundtable | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Chemistry and new professional competencies in view of the European Green Deal

Carlos Negro
Carlos Negro Foro Química y Sociedad President Moderador/Presentador
Isabel Fernández
Isabel Fernández CCOO de Industria Head of Training for Employment Speaker
Pablo Serna
Pablo Serna Universidad Jaume I de Castellón Researcher and Lecturer Speaker
Mari Carmen Cruzado
Mari Carmen Cruzado Ercros Speaker
Salvador Viera Armas
Salvador Viera Armas Carburos Metálicos Director of Human Resources Speaker

30-05-2023 16:30 30-05-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid Chemistry and new professional competencies in view of the European Green Deal

Experts in several different fields will share their visions and opinions on a hot topic related to the recent publication of the Industrial Plan of the Green Deal for the zero net emissions era of the European Commission.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
16:30h - 17:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Instrumentos de apoyo de la Junta de Andalucía para el desarrollo de la industria química

Cristóbal Sánchez Morales
Cristóbal Sánchez Morales Junta de Andalucía Speaker

30-05-2023 17:30 30-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Instrumentos de apoyo de la Junta de Andalucía para el desarrollo de la industria química HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
17:30h - 18:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31
Talk | Side Events



31-05-2023 10:00 31-05-2023 13:45 Europe/Madrid PROCUREMENT DAY Catalunya- AERCE

Welcome to the Future of Purchasing: Agenda for the CPO in disruptive times. Sustainability: A catalyst of supply chains. Purchasing and sustainability at Ferrer. Challenge the basics of your Purchasing Department through key questions.

More info


CC4-ROOM 4.1
10:00h - 13:45h CC4-ROOM 4.1
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

CDT (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, Spain) seen by participants in RDI projects

Pilar González
Pilar González CDTI Cap dept. Promoció Institucional i Cooperació Territorial Speaker
Dirk Saeta
Dirk Saeta Leitat Speaker
Javier Limpo Orozco
Javier Limpo Orozco Técnicas Reunidas Speaker
Daniel Domene López
Daniel Domene López Solublion S.L Speaker


31-05-2023 13:00 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid CDT (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, Spain) seen by participants in RDI projects

Dialogue with companies that have participated in projects funded by the CDTI.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
13:00h - 13:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Neosuccess Project: production of second-generation bio-succinic acid from CO2.

Begoña Ruiz
Begoña Ruiz AINIA Speaker

31-05-2023 15:00 31-05-2023 15:30 Europe/Madrid Neosuccess Project: production of second-generation bio-succinic acid from CO2.

QUIMACOVA will present tips and examples for implementing SDGs in the strategy of chemicals firms, compiled in this guide.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
15:00h - 15:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events

Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia

Joan Sansaloni
Joan Sansaloni Col·legi Oficial de químics de Catalunya Vice Dean Presentador
Albert Balbuena
Albert Balbuena COQC Speaker
Emilio Palomares
Emilio Palomares ICIQ Research Unit Director Speaker
Aurea Rodríguez
Aurea Rodríguez COQC Businesswoman and Scientific Publicist Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia

It concerns “the Chemical industry in economic and social progress”, presented by FedeQuim. “Support to entrepreneurship and creation of new businesses within the CONSOLIDA’T programme”, presented by Eduard Balbuena. “Technological trends in Chemical innovation”, presented by Emilio Palomares.

CC4-ROOM 4.4
15:30h - 18:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Pelltinel – Sistema para la detección de microplástico, REPSOL

Luca Sanminiatelli
Luca Sanminiatelli Repsol Speaker
Carlos Parrila
Carlos Parrila ITERA Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Speaker


31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid Pelltinel – Sistema para la detección de microplástico, REPSOL HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
17:00h - 17:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future

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