
Track: Circular Economy

Thu 01
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Circular packaging: the future is now.

Àngels Domènech
Àngels Domènech Dow Chemical Ibérica Speaker

#New materials

01-06-2023 10:00 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Circular packaging: the future is now.

Innovation, the development of new technologies and solutions is both one of the essential pillars that sustain Dow’s ambition, as a basic principle of the world economy. Dow has made progress in ensuring recyclability, offering today a sustainable solution through the redesign and development of new materials. Design for Breathability is imperative and a reality to speed up the circularity of plastic, reducing the carbon footprint and transforming waste products.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Plenary Lecture. Engineering Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Mecce

Javier Garcia Martinez
Javier Garcia Martinez IUPAC President Speaker

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 10:30 01-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture. Engineering Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
10:30h - 11:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Tue 30
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Circular chemical products

Juan Manuel Martínez Alcaraz
Juan Manuel Martínez Alcaraz Quimidroga S.A Business Development Director de Greene Enterprise, S.L. Speaker


30-05-2023 10:00 30-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Circular chemical products

Circular economy: technology developed by Greene; industrial products that are being developed and products that are obtained.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE, Precipitated Silica: valorisation of the discharge through a circular economy strategy.

Miguel Cano
Miguel Cano Industrias Químicas del Ebro Speaker

#Water treatment

30-05-2023 10:30 30-05-2023 11:00 Europe/Madrid LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE, Precipitated Silica: valorisation of the discharge through a circular economy strategy.

  The LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE Project is a PILOT PROJECT that applies an innovative technology for the treatment of silica precipitate discharge, an environmental challenge with no viable solution at present.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
10:30h - 11:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Circular economy in printing and packaging

Juan Guerrero
Juan Guerrero Covestro Industry Manager EMLA Flexible Packaging Speaker


30-05-2023 16:00 30-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Circular economy in printing and packaging

A brief review of the circular economy in Printing and Packaging and the trend towards recyclability of plastic wrappers complemented by the reduction of CO2, also looking at the new European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and Covestro's positioning in the circular economy of the Printing and Packaging business.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
16:00h - 16:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Battery recycling: the circular economy for sustainable mobility

Raúl Yuste
Raúl Yuste BASF ESPAÑOLA Global Key Account Manager para Battery Recycling Speaker
Rafael del Rio
Rafael del Rio AEDIVE Speaker

#Automotive, #Recycling

31-05-2023 10:00 31-05-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Battery recycling: the circular economy for sustainable mobility

  BASF will explain its experience in the business of recycling car batteries.  

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

Javier Garcia Martinez
Javier Garcia Martinez IUPAC President Speaker

31-05-2023 10:30 31-05-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

To make the objectives of circular economy a reality, we should re-think all that we do so molecules and processes are designed from their conception to make their recovery and reuse easier. During the conference, I will present some examples of circular chemistry, including new plastics, materials and fuels produced through the conversion of residues in high-added-value products. Finally, I will describe the role of artificial intelligence and the initiatives that we are developing at IUPAC to build a more sustainable future built at molecular scale.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
10:30h - 10:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

The Circular Economy in the automotive industry: challenges and opportunities

Carolina Valdivielso Santamaría
Carolina Valdivielso Santamaría Antolin Head of Climate Change and the Circular Economy Speaker

31-05-2023 10:50 31-05-2023 11:10 Europe/Madrid The Circular Economy in the automotive industry: challenges and opportunities

Antolin explains how the goals of car manufacturers to reduce the carbon footprint of their products must be an opportunity to speed up the development and use of sustainable materials throughout the supply chain. Some examples of the use of new sustainable materials in automotive components manufactured by Antolin will be displayed.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
10:50h - 11:10h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Side Events

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Manuel Fernández
Manuel Fernández DeepView4p Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 11:00 31-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
11:00h - 11:30h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Side Events

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Beatriz Ferreira Pozo
Beatriz Ferreira Pozo Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Químicos de la Comunitat Valenciana Presentador

#Industry 4.0

31-05-2023 11:00 31-05-2023 14:30 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
11:00h - 14:30h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Side Events

Act now: join the commitment to zero pellet loss

#New materials, #Plastics, #Recycling

31-05-2023 11:00 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Act now: join the commitment to zero pellet loss CC4-ROOM 4.3
11:00h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

LOWCO2 – Capture and valorisation of industrial CO2

Gorka Mendizabal Urizar
Gorka Mendizabal Urizar Calcinor Head R&D Department Speaker

31-05-2023 11:10 31-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid LOWCO2 – Capture and valorisation of industrial CO2

The goal of the LOWCO2 Project is the research and development of innovative and competitive technologies for the capture and valorisation of industrial CO2. This is an R&D project rolled out by a consortium of 11 entities that are committed to sustainable innovation (eco-innovation) as the key to improve their competitiveness. The consortium is headed up by LOINTEK, and has the participation of industrial leaders such as CALCINOR

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:10h - 11:30h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from waste

Santiago Verda Henche
Santiago Verda Henche Neoliquid Marketing Speaker

31-05-2023 11:30 31-05-2023 11:50 Europe/Madrid Technologies for the recovery of materials and energy from waste

 NEOLIQUID has patented several waste recovery processes to reuse materials and energy through pyrolysis. This process can obtain several high-added-value products, promoting the circular economy on the basis of the recovery of material and energy from landfill waste, in accordance with the European regulatory framework.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:30h - 11:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Side Events

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Fidel Toldrá
Fidel Toldrá Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 11:30 31-05-2023 12:00 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
11:30h - 12:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Best in Class | Best in Class

BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

Héctor Alonso
Héctor Alonso Inditex Responsable de Soporte Científico de Sostenibilidad Speaker

31-05-2023 11:50 31-05-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

La charla tratará sobre la estrategia de circularidad del Grupo, con relevantes innovaciones entre las que destacan The Laundry -un detergente elaborado en colaboración con BASF que permite reducir la liberación de microfibras- y el lanzamiento junto a CIRC de la primera colección de prendas creadas a partir del reciclaje químico de tejidos que mezclan poliéster y algodón.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Industry Showcase

BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

Héctor Alonso
Héctor Alonso Inditex Responsable de Soporte Científico de Sostenibilidad Speaker

31-05-2023 11:50 31-05-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

La charla tratará sobre la estrategia de circularidad del Grupo, con relevantes innovaciones entre las que destacan The Laundry -un detergente elaborado en colaboración con BASF que permite reducir la liberación de microfibras- y el lanzamiento junto a CIRC de la primera colección de prendas creadas a partir del reciclaje químico de tejidos que mezclan poliéster y algodón.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Mesa Redonda | Industry Showcase

The circular economy of plastic: projects, technologies and challenges of the present

Luis Palomino Leal
Luis Palomino Leal ASEGRE General Secretary Moderador/Presentador
Sergio Giménez
Sergio Giménez AIMPLAS Business Director Speaker
Marc Monnin
Marc Monnin Centro Español de Plasticos General Manager Speaker
Soraya Prieto Fernandez
Soraya Prieto Fernandez Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation Head of the Circularity Unit Speaker
Irene Mora
Irene Mora Plastics Europe Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability Speaker

31-05-2023 12:05 31-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid The circular economy of plastic: projects, technologies and challenges of the present

Several players that represent the industry will take part in this round-table discussion to reflect on the development of circularity in the plastics industry, taking stock of the extent of current development, the developing of enabling technologies and systems as well as projects that feature the ability of plastics to stay within the production system and maximise their opportunities

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
12:05h - 13:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Side Events

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Yuryi Budyk
Yuryi Budyk Calpech CEO Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 12:30 31-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
12:30h - 13:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Side Events

Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización

Antonio Fajardo
Antonio Fajardo Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 13:00 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Retos y tendencias de la Ingeniería Química: de la economía circular a la descarbonización CC4-ROOM 4.4
13:00h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.4
Talk | Side Events

Innovation in Chemical Recycling in Spain: Banking on a circular future

#New materials, #Plastics, #Recycling

31-05-2023 15:00 31-05-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid Innovation in Chemical Recycling in Spain: Banking on a circular future CC4-ROOM 4.3
15:00h - 17:00h CC4-ROOM 4.3
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Plenary Lecture: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment perspective in Chemical Engineering: Mecce

José Angel Irabien
José Angel Irabien Universidad de Cantabria Doctor Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment perspective in Chemical Engineering: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
15:30h - 16:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11
Talk | Side Events

Marketplace of Circular Economy solutins for the chemical industry

Maite Ardèvol
Maite Ardèvol ACCIÓ Team Leader of Sustainability and the Circular Economy Presentador
Cristina González
Cristina González Feique Director of Advocacy, Strategy and Innovation Speaker

#Industry 4.0

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid Marketplace of Circular Economy solutins for the chemical industry

Workshop focused on the transition of the chemical industry towards the circular economy. Presentation of the innovation road map for a sustainable and circular chemical industry and pitch of innovative solutions addressing the challenges of the chemical industry in the transition to circularity.

HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
15:30h - 17:00h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Closing the circle of flexible polyurethane foams

Susana García Ramos
Susana García Ramos Repsol Technical Assistance and Product Development Manager Speaker


31-05-2023 16:00 31-05-2023 16:30 Europe/Madrid Closing the circle of flexible polyurethane foams

In this Smart Talk, we will look at the polyurethane recycling process, from the moment when the mattress arrives at the plant, after it has reached the end of its useful life, until it is transformed into a circular polyol that can be reused by our customers to make new products: mattresses or comfort furnishings. During the talk, we will analyse the technology that Repsol has banked on and the value proposition of the polyol Repsol Reciclex® that we will soon begin to sell and market.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
16:00h - 16:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Moving forward with the plastics circularity and sustainability model

Noemí Artal Vicente
Noemí Artal Vicente Repsol Manager Reciclex and circular polyolefins Speaker


31-05-2023 16:30 31-05-2023 17:00 Europe/Madrid Moving forward with the plastics circularity and sustainability model

In this Smart Talk, we will present the solutions that we are developing at Repsol to overcome the sustainability challenges that plastics are facing today.  At Repsol, we have created new ranges of polyolefins by applying eco-design techniques and adding mechanically and chemically recycled materials under our brand Repsol Reciclex®, as well as alternative raw materials with a very low carbon footprint.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
16:30h - 17:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Side Events

Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector

Anna Borrell
Anna Borrell ACCIÓ Consultant for the Next Generation EU Office Speaker


31-05-2023 17:00 31-05-2023 17:15 Europe/Madrid Discover the Opportunities of the Next Generation Funds for the Chemical and Plastics Sector HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
17:00h - 17:15h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area

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