
Soraya Prieto Fernandez

Head of the Circularity Unit | Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation Miñano, Spain
Soraya Prieto Fernandez


Holds a doctorate in Chemistry. Master's in OHS and a certified PMP. She has participated in several research projects related to waste valorisation, water treatment, uses of alternative raw materials for the synthesis of new products, the capture and uses of CO2. Group coordinator of uses of CO2 and of the PTECO2, of the BIOPLAT bioproducts group and of the BIC. Author and co-author of several publications, patents and communications to congres


Mesa Redonda | Industry Showcase

The circular economy of plastic: projects, technologies and challenges of the present

Luis Palomino Leal
Luis Palomino Leal ASEGRE General Secretary Moderador/Presentador
Sergio Giménez
Sergio Giménez AIMPLAS Business Director Speaker
Marc Monnin
Marc Monnin Centro Español de Plasticos General Manager Speaker
Soraya Prieto Fernandez
Soraya Prieto Fernandez Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation Head of the Circularity Unit Speaker
Irene Mora
Irene Mora Plastics Europe Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability Speaker

31-05-2023 12:05 31-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid The circular economy of plastic: projects, technologies and challenges of the present

Several players that represent the industry will take part in this round-table discussion to reflect on the development of circularity in the plastics industry, taking stock of the extent of current development, the developing of enabling technologies and systems as well as projects that feature the ability of plastics to stay within the production system and maximise their opportunities

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 12:05h - 13:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

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