
Aaron Ayllón Benítez

Product Manager | BASF Digital Solutions Madrid, Spain
Aaron Ayllón Benítez


A biochemist by training, Aarón did specialise in computer science by working on bioinformatic and data science for many years. With an international career path, Aaron got a PhD in Computer Science, and combined with his postdoc, he got involved in artificial intelligence projects, with a focus in NLP and knowledge graphs. After two years at BASF Digital Solution S.L., Aarón leads expert team to bring scalable solutions for image processing to


Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Supporting the chemicals industry so that it can fulfil its promises through advanced image analysis

Aaron Ayllón Benítez
Aaron Ayllón Benítez BASF Digital Solutions Product Manager Speaker

01-06-2023 10:50 01-06-2023 11:10 Europe/Madrid Supporting the chemicals industry so that it can fulfil its promises through advanced image analysis

By analysing images and video data, computer vision systems can detect defects, monitor processes and optimise production. Over a period of several years, at BASF we have teamed up with Tecnalia to establish a framework to help researchers working in the chemical field of R&D. As a demonstration of our efforts, we will present a case study that assesses the effectiveness of phytosanitary chemical products used in agriculture.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 10:50h - 11:10h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Mesa Redonda | Industry Showcase

Round-table discussion on learnings, challenges and opportunities in the digitisation of the chemical sector

Ricard Madurell
Ricard Madurell Market AAD Managing Partner Moderador/Presentador
Aaron Ayllón Benítez
Aaron Ayllón Benítez BASF Digital Solutions Product Manager Speaker
Lluis Echeverria Rovira
Lluis Echeverria Rovira Eurecat Speaker
Javier de la Torre
Javier de la Torre ORBITA Ingeniería Speaker
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta Repsol Business Digital Manager Speaker
Rafael Moreno Badía
Rafael Moreno Badía CEPSA Speaker

01-06-2023 12:20 01-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Round-table discussion on learnings, challenges and opportunities in the digitisation of the chemical sector

The projects presented in the Industry Showcase at the end of the conference will reflect the development and implementation of digitalisation and digital technologies in the chemical industry, particularly in the insights, challenges and opportunities to be gained from them.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 12:20h - 13:00h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area