
Xavier Gallardo

Partner Director at NVTC | NVTC Barcelona, Spain
Xavier Gallardo


Industrial engineer from UPC, Doctor in Technological Innovation in product and process engineering projects at UdG-UJI-UPC, postgraduate in Business Growth in Industrial SMEs from IESE Business School, Director of the Master's Degree in Industrial Business Management at UAB with over 25 years of experience working in product and process innovation, first in different positions in the industry (since 2002 in managerial positions), and since 2007


Talk | Side Events

Marketplace de soluciones de Industria 4.0 para los sectores químico y plásticos.

David Marco
David Marco ACCIÓ Presentador
David Zurita
David Zurita IThink UPC Data Scientist Speaker
Xavier Riba
Xavier Riba Innovae Managing Director Catalunya Speaker
David Gutiérrez
David Gutiérrez Leitat Director of the Digital Industry Department at LEITAT Speaker
Xevi Sagué
Xevi Sagué Aetech CSMO Speaker
Joan Puig
Joan Puig IRIS Technology Management Assistant Speaker
Manel Nesweda
Manel Nesweda Mapex Key Account Manager Speaker
Xavier Gallardo
Xavier Gallardo NVTC Partner Director at NVTC Speaker

#Industry 4.0

01-06-2023 11:30 01-06-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid Marketplace de soluciones de Industria 4.0 para los sectores químico y plásticos. HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area
Thu 1 11:30h - 13:00h HALL 3-Tech Transfer and Innovation area

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