
Richard Caetano

Fr. Paint Process Expert for booths/ Ovens/VOCs/Energy | Stellantis France
Richard Caetano


PHD in Fluid Mechanics and Aerosol Science. 3 years working for Air Eco Concept for aerosol filtration. 6 years working for DÜRR in Environmental department and paint process for bodies and plastic parts. 17 years working for PSA/STELLANTIS as Paint Process Expert for all plants in the world.


Talk | Eurocar Meeting Surfaces and Plastics

Acciones para la reducción de las emisiones y nuevo sistema para la evaluación de la corrosión

José Manuel Barriós
José Manuel Barriós STA Chairman Presentador
Richard Caetano
Richard Caetano Stellantis Fr. Paint Process Expert for booths/ Ovens/VOCs/Energy Speaker
Maria Belén Parada
Maria Belén Parada Stellantis Leader Industrial Ibérico de Pintura Speaker
Bruno Welsch
Bruno Welsch Dürr CEO Division Paint and FInal Assembly Systems Speaker
Ana Bermejo
Ana Bermejo Basf Industrial Engineering Speaker

#Automotive, #New materials, #Treatment surfaces

31-05-2023 12:15 31-05-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid Acciones para la reducción de las emisiones y nuevo sistema para la evaluación de la corrosión CC4-ROOM 4.2
Wed 31 12:15h - 13:30h CC4-ROOM 4.2

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