
Nora Ventosa Rull

President | TECNIO Barcelona, Spain
Nora Ventosa Rull


Research professor at CSIC. At the Institute of Materials Science in Barcelona, she leads the Nanomol-Bio group, also attached to the Biomedical Research Networking Centre. She investigates and develops materials for biomedical applications. Nanomol has the TECNIO recognition of excellence in transfer of technology given by the Catalan agency ACCIÓ. She is co-founder of the Nanomol Technologies SL spin-off. Currently, she is the president of the


Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?

Nora Ventosa Rull
Nora Ventosa Rull TECNIO President Speaker

02-06-2023 10:30 02-06-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Tech Transfer: Mission impossible?

The technology and knowledge transfer that comes from universities, research centres and technological centres to the business industry is key to increase people’s innovation and wellbeing levels. This talk will emphasise the importance of collaboration between companies and research entities so the technology transfer process is fluid, and it will analyse some models and instruments that have proven to be very effective at making it easier

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 2 10:30h - 10:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

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