
Montse Paniagua Jiménez

Director of the Human and Animal Food and Feed R&D Technical Department | Quimidroga, S.A. Spain
Montse Paniagua Jiménez


Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Green Deal: Towards a healthy and sustainable animal production.

Montse Paniagua Jiménez
Montse Paniagua Jiménez Quimidroga, S.A. Director of the Human and Animal Food and Feed R&D Technical Department Speaker

30-05-2023 12:00 30-05-2023 12:30 Europe/Madrid Green Deal: Towards a healthy and sustainable animal production.

Quimidroga explains how biotechnology and chemistry are key for the development of solutions and products for a more efficient and sustainable livestock production.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 12:00h - 12:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future

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