
Juan Antonio Labat

General Manager | Feique Spain
Juan Antonio Labat


Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

PERTE Horizon for Industrial Carbonisation. PERTE

Luís Colunga
Luís Colunga MINCOTUR Speaker
Juan Antonio Labat
Juan Antonio Labat Feique General Manager Speaker


31-05-2023 12:00 31-05-2023 13:00 Europe/Madrid PERTE Horizon for Industrial Carbonisation. PERTE

Luis Colunga, the Special Commissioner for the PERTE for Industrial Decarbonisation, will reveal the main objectives, transformative measures and lines of financing that the PERTE envisages to support decarbonisation and energy efficiency in manufacturing industry. The planned 11.8 billion euros of investment will be used to fund investments aimed at helping manufacturing industry to achieve zero net emissions, in line with the Green Deal goals.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Wed 31 12:00h - 13:00h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

La Industria Química ante los Retos del Green Deal

Juan Antonio Labat
Juan Antonio Labat Feique General Manager Presentador
Teresa Rasero
Teresa Rasero Feique Speaker
Ignasi Cañagueral
Ignasi Cañagueral Dow Chemical Ibérica Speaker
Vicente Cortés
Vicente Cortés INERCO Speaker
Adriana Orejas
Adriana Orejas SusChem España Speaker

01-06-2023 12:00 01-06-2023 13:30 Europe/Madrid La Industria Química ante los Retos del Green Deal HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 12:00h - 13:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future

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