
Javier Garcia Martinez

President | IUPAC Alicante, Spain
Javier Garcia Martinez


President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the recognized world authority in developing nomenclature and terminology, verified data, and standards for the advancement of chemistry Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Director of the Molecular Nanotechnology Lab, a world-leading research center working on the synthesis and application of nanostructured materials for the sustainable production of chemicals and en


Ponencia | Industry Showcase

Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

Javier Garcia Martinez
Javier Garcia Martinez IUPAC President Speaker

31-05-2023 10:30 31-05-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

To make the objectives of circular economy a reality, we should re-think all that we do so molecules and processes are designed from their conception to make their recovery and reuse easier. During the conference, I will present some examples of circular chemistry, including new plastics, materials and fuels produced through the conversion of residues in high-added-value products. Finally, I will describe the role of artificial intelligence and the initiatives that we are developing at IUPAC to build a more sustainable future built at molecular scale.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31 10:30h - 10:50h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Talk | Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering

Plenary Lecture. Engineering Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Mecce

Javier Garcia Martinez
Javier Garcia Martinez IUPAC President Speaker

#Chemical engineering

01-06-2023 10:30 01-06-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid Plenary Lecture. Engineering Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Mecce

The great differential value of MECCE is that it unites science and industry, being a unique bridge for the scientific and business communities to come together in an incomparable setting.
Innovations, solutions, discussions, and challenges will make up this edition of the chemical engineering congress. A historic congress that will set the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.

CC3- ROOM 3.11
Thu 1 10:30h - 11:30h CC3- ROOM 3.11

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