
Isabel Fernández

Head of Training for Employment | CCOO de Industria Spain
Isabel Fernández


Roundtable | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Chemistry and new professional competencies in view of the European Green Deal

Carlos Negro
Carlos Negro Foro Química y Sociedad President Moderador/Presentador
Isabel Fernández
Isabel Fernández CCOO de Industria Head of Training for Employment Speaker
Pablo Serna
Pablo Serna Universidad Jaume I de Castellón Researcher and Lecturer Speaker
Mari Carmen Cruzado
Mari Carmen Cruzado Ercros Speaker
Salvador Viera Armas
Salvador Viera Armas Carburos Metálicos Director of Human Resources Speaker

30-05-2023 16:30 30-05-2023 17:30 Europe/Madrid Chemistry and new professional competencies in view of the European Green Deal

Experts in several different fields will share their visions and opinions on a hot topic related to the recent publication of the Industrial Plan of the Green Deal for the zero net emissions era of the European Commission.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Tue 30 16:30h - 17:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future

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