
Ekain Fernandez

Head of Hydrogen Technologies | Tecnalia Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain
Ekain Fernandez


Doctor in Chemical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in membranes and membrane reactors for hydrogen production and purification. He is the Head of Hydrogen Technologies at TECNALIA. He is a Member of the Executive Committee of Hydrogen Europe Research and leader of the Hydrogen Distribution Technical Committee at Hydrogen Europe Research. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Hydrog


Roundtable | Industry Showcase

Hydrogen Generation

Ekain Fernandez
Ekain Fernandez Tecnalia Head of Hydrogen Technologies Moderador/Presentador
Leyre Castro
Leyre Castro Iberdrola Head of Commercial Operations of Green Hydrogen Speaker
Elena Verdú
Elena Verdú Repsol H2 & Synthetics Tech Manager Speaker
Alberto Bucci
Alberto Bucci JOLT CTO Speaker
Nora Castañeda
Nora Castañeda Sener Hydrogen Business Manager Speaker

30-05-2023 10:15 30-05-2023 11:15 Europe/Madrid Hydrogen Generation HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Tue 30 10:15h - 11:15h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

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