
David Colacios Ruiz

Head of Business ISR | Telefonica Tech AI of Things Viladecavalls, Spain
David Colacios Ruiz


Director Comercial con perfil innovador, digital y emprendedor. Más de 15 años de experiencia en desarrollo de negocio, marketing y ventas, liderando equipos y habiendo ayudado a empresas tanto en la transformación digital como en crecimiento de ventas. Me apasionan los retos, aprender, enseñar, motivar, innovar, el mundo digital, el deporte, viajar y la consecución de los objetivos marcados.


Best in Class | Industry Showcase

Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta Repsol Business Digital Manager Speaker
David Colacios Ruiz
David Colacios Ruiz Telefonica Tech AI of Things Head of Business ISR Speaker

01-06-2023 12:05 01-06-2023 12:20 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Strategic collaboration between Telefónica and Repsol to take advantage of the Data Science from Telefónica equipment to put them at the service of Artificial Intelligence applications to improve Repsol’s industrial processes.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 12:05h - 12:20h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Best in Class | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta Repsol Business Digital Manager Speaker
David Colacios Ruiz
David Colacios Ruiz Telefonica Tech AI of Things Head of Business ISR Speaker

01-06-2023 12:05 01-06-2023 12:20 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Strategic collaboration between Telefónica and Repsol to take advantage of the Data Science from Telefónica equipment to put them at the service of Artificial Intelligence applications to improve Repsol’s industrial processes.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 1 12:05h - 12:20h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

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