
Aurea Rodríguez

Businesswoman and Scientific Publicist | COQC Spain
Aurea Rodríguez


Talk | Side Events

Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia

Joan Sansaloni
Joan Sansaloni Col·legi Oficial de químics de Catalunya Vice Dean Presentador
Albert Balbuena
Albert Balbuena COQC Speaker
Emilio Palomares
Emilio Palomares ICIQ Research Unit Director Speaker
Aurea Rodríguez
Aurea Rodríguez COQC Businesswoman and Scientific Publicist Speaker

#Chemical engineering

31-05-2023 15:30 31-05-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Business trends in the chemical industry in Catalonia

It concerns “the Chemical industry in economic and social progress”, presented by FedeQuim. “Support to entrepreneurship and creation of new businesses within the CONSOLIDA’T programme”, presented by Eduard Balbuena. “Technological trends in Chemical innovation”, presented by Emilio Palomares.

CC4-ROOM 4.4
Wed 31 15:30h - 18:00h CC4-ROOM 4.4

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