
Àngels Domènech

Dow Chemical Ibérica Spain
Àngels Domènech


Talk | Smart Chemistry Smart Future

Circular packaging: the future is now.

Àngels Domènech
Àngels Domènech Dow Chemical Ibérica Speaker

#New materials

01-06-2023 10:00 01-06-2023 10:30 Europe/Madrid Circular packaging: the future is now.

Innovation, the development of new technologies and solutions is both one of the essential pillars that sustain Dow’s ambition, as a basic principle of the world economy. Dow has made progress in ensuring recyclability, offering today a sustainable solution through the redesign and development of new materials. Design for Breathability is imperative and a reality to speed up the circularity of plastic, reducing the carbon footprint and transforming waste products.

HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future
Thu 1 10:00h - 10:30h HALL 3-Smart Chemistry Smart Future

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