
Best in Class

Tue 30
Best in Class | Best in Class

BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen

Andres Galnares
Andres Galnares H2Site CEO Speaker

30-05-2023 12:30 30-05-2023 12:45 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Hydrogen

H2SITE desarrolla una tecnología para la generación distribuida de hidrógeno a pequeña y mediana escala, de elevada pureza y bajo coste, mediante reactores catalíticos de membrana.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
12:30h - 12:45h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Wed 31
Best in Class | Best in Class

BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

Héctor Alonso
Héctor Alonso Inditex Responsable de Soporte Científico de Sostenibilidad Speaker

31-05-2023 11:50 31-05-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid BEST IN CLASS Project: Circular Economy

La charla tratará sobre la estrategia de circularidad del Grupo, con relevantes innovaciones entre las que destacan The Laundry -un detergente elaborado en colaboración con BASF que permite reducir la liberación de microfibras- y el lanzamiento junto a CIRC de la primera colección de prendas creadas a partir del reciclaje químico de tejidos que mezclan poliéster y algodón.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Thu 01
Best in Class | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta
Juan Antonio Gil Cuesta Repsol Business Digital Manager Speaker
David Colacios Ruiz
David Colacios Ruiz Telefonica Tech AI of Things Head of Business ISR Speaker

01-06-2023 12:05 01-06-2023 12:20 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Digitisation

Strategic collaboration between Telefónica and Repsol to take advantage of the Data Science from Telefónica equipment to put them at the service of Artificial Intelligence applications to improve Repsol’s industrial processes.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
12:05h - 12:20h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
Fri 02
Best in Class | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

Sergi Gassó Pons
Sergi Gassó Pons Fuelium CEO Speaker

02-06-2023 11:50 02-06-2023 12:05 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: Tech Transfer

"Fuelium, a base technology company of the CSIC (Scientific Research Council) Offers paper batteries capable of powering a range of single-use devices, such as portable diagnostic units."

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
11:50h - 12:05h HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

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