
Supporting the chemicals industry so that it can fulfil its promises through advanced image analysis

Industry Showcase Digitalization

Thursday 01, 10:50h - 11:10h | HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
01-06-2023 10:50 01-06-2023 11:10 Europe/Madrid Supporting the chemicals industry so that it can fulfil its promises through advanced image analysis

By analysing images and video data, computer vision systems can detect defects, monitor processes and optimise production. Over a period of several years, at BASF we have teamed up with Tecnalia to establish a framework to help researchers working in the chemical field of R&D. As a demonstration of our efforts, we will present a case study that assesses the effectiveness of phytosanitary chemical products used in agriculture.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

By analysing images and video data, computer vision systems can detect defects, monitor processes and optimise production. Over a period of several years, at BASF we have teamed up with Tecnalia to establish a framework to help researchers working in the chemical field of R&D. As a demonstration of our efforts, we will present a case study that assesses the effectiveness of phytosanitary chemical products used in agriculture.



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