
Presentation of the sectoral report on plastics in Spain

Industry Showcase Other

Thursday 01, 17:00h - 18:00h | HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
01-06-2023 17:00 01-06-2023 18:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the sectoral report on plastics in Spain

The plastics sector has undergone industrial, economic and social transformations that have made it occupy a central place on the regulatory and public scene in recent times. Equiplast, as a reference meeting point for the sector in Spain, has wanted to make an exhaustive assessment of its importance as a transversal productive sector, with the capacity to apply it in multiple industrial sectors and which acts as a lever and engine for their competitiveness.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

The plastics sector has undergone industrial, economic and social transformations that have made it occupy a central place on the regulatory and public scene in recent times. Equiplast, as a reference meeting point for the sector in Spain, has wanted to make an exhaustive assessment of its importance as a transversal productive sector, with the capacity to apply it in multiple industrial sectors and which acts as a lever and engine for their competitiveness.



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