
LOWCO2 – Capture and valorisation of industrial CO2

Industry Showcase Circular Economy

Wednesday 31, 11:10h - 11:30h | HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
31-05-2023 11:10 31-05-2023 11:30 Europe/Madrid LOWCO2 – Capture and valorisation of industrial CO2

The goal of the LOWCO2 Project is the research and development of innovative and competitive technologies for the capture and valorisation of industrial CO2. This is an R&D project rolled out by a consortium of 11 entities that are committed to sustainable innovation (eco-innovation) as the key to improve their competitiveness. The consortium is headed up by LOINTEK, and has the participation of industrial leaders such as CALCINOR

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

The goal of the LOWCO2 Project is the research and development of innovative and competitive technologies for the capture and valorisation of industrial CO2. This is an R&D project rolled out by a consortium of 11 entities that are committed to sustainable innovation (eco-innovation) as the key to improve their competitiveness. The consortium is headed up by LOINTEK, and has the participation of industrial leaders such as CALCINOR



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