
Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

Industry Showcase Circular Economy

Wednesday 31, 10:30h - 10:50h | HALL 3-Industry Showcase area
31-05-2023 10:30 31-05-2023 10:50 Europe/Madrid Circular chemistry: How to build a new economy on a molecular level

To make the objectives of circular economy a reality, we should re-think all that we do so molecules and processes are designed from their conception to make their recovery and reuse easier. During the conference, I will present some examples of circular chemistry, including new plastics, materials and fuels produced through the conversion of residues in high-added-value products. Finally, I will describe the role of artificial intelligence and the initiatives that we are developing at IUPAC to build a more sustainable future built at molecular scale.

HALL 3-Industry Showcase area

To make the objectives of circular economy a reality, we should re-think all that we do so molecules and processes are designed from their conception to make their recovery and reuse easier. During the conference, I will present some examples of circular chemistry, including new plastics, materials and fuels produced through the conversion of residues in high-added-value products. Finally, I will describe the role of artificial intelligence and the initiatives that we are developing at IUPAC to build a more sustainable future built at molecular scale.



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