
APQ Safety and H2 Safety Seminar. Presentation of the BEQUINOR H2 Safety Guide

Side Events Hydrogen

Tuesday 30, 09:30h - 14:30h | CC4-ROOM 4.3
30-05-2023 09:30 30-05-2023 14:30 Europe/Madrid APQ Safety and H2 Safety Seminar. Presentation of the BEQUINOR H2 Safety Guide

BEQUINOR, together with the Ministry of Industry and the Directorate General of Industry of the Ministry of Business and Labour of the Government of Catalonia, is organising this seminar to present the most significant developments concerning the ongoing work on the next version of the RAPQ Guide and BEQUINOR’s Hydrogen Safety Guide.

CC4-ROOM 4.3

BEQUINOR, together with the Ministry of Industry and the Directorate General of Industry of the Ministry of Business and Labour of the Government of Catalonia, is organising this seminar to present the most significant developments concerning the ongoing work on the next version of the RAPQ Guide and BEQUINOR’s Hydrogen Safety Guide.

